
General Die Casters, Inc.

2150 Highland Road Twinsburg , 44087 Ohio, United States of America



Your die casting is not a commodity to General Die Casters. It is the outcome of more than 60 years of experience.

Since 1957, General has worked closely with our customers to manufacture and deliver the custom aluminum and zinc die castings they demand.

Our true goal is not just to provide the best possible die casting. It is to deliver the highest level of quality and service to our customers.

Please take a moment to view our site and see how General Die Casters can become your partner in business.


2150 Highland Road Twinsburg
44087 Ohio
United States of America

Telephone 330-657-2300

Press Releases & News

The Secret of Success using the example GENERAL DIE CASTERS INC.

1. Focus on Quality Cultural Transformation: The company emphasized that ever...

Das Geheimnis des Erfolgs am Beispiel GENERAL DIECASTERS INC.

1. Fokussierung auf Qualität Kultureller Wandel: Das Unternehmen legte Wert ...

High-Pressure Changes the Future of Manufacturing (and becomes cool in the process!)

Think what you want of Elon Musk, but he does have a vision. Not just for electr...
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