
Greensand to Core Shop Reclamation Using Secondary Attrition

Greensand back to core-shop What is the objective ?

• Greensand foundries have traditionally used new sand for core-shop applications.
• As the cost on new sand purchases and disposal increases so the demand to use reclaim sand has increased.
• Predominant binders used in core-shop is phenolic urethane cold box.
• Technical difficulties associated with using cold box process with sands that are alkaline in nature, has lead to foundries using the easy option of new sand only application.
• When the volume of sand required for core making exceeds the level of losses in the moulding line, large quantities of greensand need to be disposed off on a daily basis.

The Challenge !

• Waste greensand is heavily contaminated with clay, coal dust and residual binder.
• The urethane (cold box) process is very susceptible to clay and if not removed will reduce bench life and strength.

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