
Ankiros / Annofer / Turkcast 2008 - upcoming highlight in metallurgical and foundry industry

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please pay attention to the upcoming highlight in metallurgical and foundry industry in Turkey – Ankiros / Annofer / Turkcast 2008

For more than 15 years ANKIROS / ANNOFER / Turkcast is the leading event in Turkey and Eurasia. This year more than 780 exhibitors are welcoming their guests from all over the world. Besides B2B contacts two concurrent congresses will provide an academic view on the industry and the markets.

We kindly invite you to join in and visit the event. You will find well-suited opportunities and solutions at Ankiros / Annofer / Turkcast 2008.

The following internetlinks will support your preparations:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul !

With best regards

Hannover-Messe Ankiros Fuarcilik A.S.
Ms Ece Kalfa
Abdullah Cevdet Sok 6/2
06680 Çankaya –Ankara TURKEY
Phone: +90 312 4396792
Fax: +90 312 4396766
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