Flow Science announced today that its <link http: www.flow3d.com events wuc _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>2013 FLOW-3D World Users Conference will be held September 19-20, 2013 at the <link http: www.theallertonhotel.com _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>
Allerton Hotel in Chicago, IL. The conference is open to FLOW-3D, FLOW-3D Cast, FLOW-3D/MP and FLOW-3D ThermoSET users and anyone interested in learning more about Flow Science’s products. User presentations and posters are expected from a variety of interesting applications of FLOW-3D. Additionally, software development plans for FLOW-3D will be presented by Michael Barkhudarov, VP of R&D and John Ditter, VP of Software Engineering at Flow Science. Free training in the use of the customized version of EnSight that will be FLOW-3D’s future visualization tool will be held Wednesday afternoon, September 18.
The conference offers a venue for attendees to interact one-on-one with Flow Science developers and support engineers, learn from other FLOW-3D users, discover new modeling approaches, hear about the latest software developments, and hone their simulation skills.
The call for oral presentations and posters is currently open. Abstracts should be 250 words or less and include the title of the presentation or poster, author(s) name(s), job title, and company/institution name. Presentations and posters should focus on benchmarks, validations, practical examples, and case studies using FLOW-3D. Go here for more information about <link http: www.flow3d.com events wuc _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>submitting an abstract.
Go here for a list of <link http: www.flow3d.com events wuc speakers-announced-2012-flow-3d-world-users-conference.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>speakers from last year's World Users Conference.
<link http: www.flow3d.com forms wuc-registration.html _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Online registration for the conference is available through September 6, 2013. An early bird registration fee of $100 US is available through July 26, 2013.
<link http: www.ceisoftware.com _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>CEI, the developer of the EnSight suite of 3D visualization software, will be the exclusive visualization sponsor at the conference. CEI and Flow Science have partnered together in order to embed a customized version of EnSight directly into FLOW-3D. In the free training on September 18, users will learn how to harness the power of the customized EnSight postprocessor in FLOW-3D to better visualize and understand their simulation data.
###COMPANY_LINK### <link record:tx_browserdirectory_directory:4896 internal-link>Flow Science Inc.