There is for example the Finish company “Resand” (recently renamed, before FINN RECYCLING), that enables thermomechanical sand recycling. Though this newly patented system, sand can be easily and economical recycled and remains in the production cycle. This new concept of heat treatment for sand had been developed by the founder itself.
But it’s not just about sand recycling: the production of sand cores by 3D-printers reaches new levels too, like as Loramendi, which presented its 3D-printer at the exhibition area, beside its huge core making and moulding machines. Also impressive were the robotic machines by FILL, whereby visitors had the chance to watch closely the surface treatment of a rotor hub of a wind turbine. Special events by WFO, which was held by Foseco as well as the Newcast Award by bdguss were further highlights of today! And last but not least: the FRECH “new generation award”.
In the coming days too: we wish all visitors an enjoyable time with many new impressions, great conversations, and inspiring exchanges!
Diana Engelmann, International Editor, Foundry-Planet