
IN - Coimbatore foundry industry seeks for a skill development centre

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The foundry industry has urged the  MSME Technology Development Centre to set up a foundry skill development centre in the city.

The industry sought facilities such as melting, moulding, mould making, core making, and lab testing in the Centre.

The industrialists from the sector has a discussion with R. Paneerselvam, principal director of MSME Technology Development Centre.

The MSME Technology Development Centre has come forward to set up a sand reclamation project. It also has plans to establish a technology centre here and will fund foundry clusters for lean practice programme.

The foundry development centre should have hostel facilities and should provide job training for two years with a day every week for theory classes.

Valid certificates will be issued by the MSME Technology Development centre, said Mr. Panneerselvam.

According to a press release from the Institute of Indian Foundrymen, foundries here will establish a Foundries Development Foundation to start the development centre. (KNN Bureau)

