Foundry Corporate News Topic Pressure Die Casting

Italpresse Gauss has appointed Vittorio Leone as its new Operations Director.

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About Vittorio

Vittorio joined Italpresse Gauss in 2011 from OTO Melara and has, over the last couple of years, covered a range of roles, from Sales Engineer to Operations Manager. 

As Operations Director, Vittorio will assume overall responsibility for operations management and delivery during an important phase of growth at Italpresse Gauss.

Vittorio will also join the Norican Group Supply Chain team, a round table set up to share best practice and expertise between the operational leaders of DISA, Italpresse Gauss, StrikoWestofen, and Wheelabrator - ultimately, to better and faster serve the Group’s customers.

Italpresse Gauss President Carlo Scalmana said: “Vittorio has demonstrated great personal qualities and reliability throughout his years working at Gauss, which is why his role has now been extended to also include operational responsibility for Italpresse. Thanks to Vittorio’s overarching expertise, the two companies now have a single operational figurehead in a key position within the organizational chart - another step in the ongoing fusion of these two heritage brands.”

Commenting on his new role Vittorio said: “I’m looking forward to this new challenge by taking inspiration from Anatole France, who said ‘To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan, but also believe!’ - A very fitting motto for a very exciting time here at Italpresse Gauss and the wider Norican Group!”


ItalPresseGauss S.p.A.

Via Trento 178
25020 Capriano del Colle (Brescia)

Telefon: +39 0309749300
