Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

The Challenge of Die Casting Exhibitions – CHINA DIECASTING 2013

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FICMES and Messe  Nürnberg  Presenting in Dongguan

The Asia-Pacific Die-casting Industry Exhibition (CHINA DIECASTING 2013) was held during 16th -18th September, 2013, at Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center which took place at the same time as the 2013 Asia-Pacific Die-casting Industry Development Forum. The event was organized by the Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) and co-organized by NürnbergMesse China.

With the development of more than a decade, CHINA DIECASTING 2013 has become one of the most influential exhibitions in China’s die casting industry, but it's quite a difficult task to organize and realize an international event like this one.

The event was organized at the Dongguan Expo Center and the big European global players like Bühler, FRECH, Fondarex, Foseco, Idra, Italpresse, Petrofer, Striko, Wollin, etc. presented besides the Japanese, Chinese and other Asian suppliers in the industry.

FICMES and Messe Nürnberg did a good job and according to various exhibitors' statements, diecasting is a reliable and strong business in recent days, but they had expected more visitors at this event.

Where were the diecasters from regions further away? What may have attracted them to come to a central major event, maybe an one that covered the whole south of China?

FICMES and Messe Nürnberg have a good chance to develop a concept to convince the diverse diecasting chapters in China. This is necessary in order to install one major event besides the regional shows which will keep exhibitors satisfied for the future.

Messe Nürnberg has got key competence by holding the EUROGUSS fair in Nürnberg, the major event for the European diecasting industry. EUROGUSS is a highly professional and sustainable concept with stable growth rates effecting the whole diecasting industry of the continent and abroad. In favour of visitors and exhibitors in China, we support every effort to reconsider diecasting events in China to provide one major exhibition with a lot of traffic, high attraction and best papers.

By the way, the 2013 Asia Pacific Die Casting Industry Development Forum in Dongguan was attended by a respectable number of people. For overseas participants simultaneous translation was a necessity.

We are looking forward to meet the major suppliers to the diecasting industry and a lot of foundrymen in Shanghai 2014 for the next CHINA DIECASTING.
