Foundry Corporate News Topic Chemicals Topic Pressure Die Casting

Intelligent Solutions, Innovation and Improvement – This is our Task!

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Constant improvement and innovational strength, as well as a close collaboration with customers, enables us to offer an extensive product portfolio, ranging from lubricants to release agents for the High-Pressure Die Casting industry.

We are particularly proud to announce our newest innovations!

Isolat® Enviro 1011
Universal release agent for Aluminium, Magnesium and Zinc
Wax and PDMS free

  • Shiny and bright parts
  • Improved release agent film, better wetting of die
  • Excellent release properties
  • Clean dies and clean spray systems; higher production rates
  • Micro emulsion, also suitable for micro spraying; faster spray cycle possible
  • Noticeable less effort in post-processing
  • Problem free welding, painting, powder coating of parts; reduced scrap rates
  • Economical (high dilution)
  • Environmentally friendly: contains renewable raw materials
  • Broad field of application

Isolat® Enviro 1012
Universal release agent for Aluminium, Magnesium and Zinc
Wax and PDMS free

  • Same as above, but also suitable for dies with cracks
  • Lubricating film prevents shrinkage during solidification
  • Temperature resistant film prevents metallization

Isolat® TT  77
Universal release agent for Aluminium and Magnesium
Wax and PDMS free

  • Tribo-Chemie’s well established “oldie”
  • “Approved for glueing” of certain structural parts by one of the leading German automotive producers in 2014
  • Mineral oil based highly dispersed, fine emulsion

Isolat® 4007 GF
Special release agent for thin walled and large structural parts manufactured from Aluminium and Magnesium

Interested in our new products?
Tribo-Chemie and its team love to see satisfied customers. This can be achieved by providing guidance as well as on-site support during tests with our products, combined with dedicated agents in each country.
Tribo-Chemie further believes that there is plenty of room for optimisation in the field of Die Casting lubrication. Best quality castings, faster spray cycles and reduced scrap rates result from the ideal combination of release agent, sophisticated spray application and plunger lubrication, which will finally deliver profitable improvements.

For efficient spray applications, please refer to Tribo-Chemie’s Beads Dispenser 3D, which accurately doses Fochem International´s Isolat® 80 G beads. These beads, available in black and white, are perfectly round, non-electrostatic and are available in various sizes.

Please note! Tribo-Chemie has expanded its product portfolio

Based on continues development and research work Tribo-Chemie is pleased to announce improved as well as newly developed and market approved release agents.

Isolat® Enviro 1011
has proved to hold its promise to become an above average universal release agent for high-pressure die casting. Wax free, no build-up, shiny parts and environmentally friendly are just some of the positive attributes to be mentioned.

Graphitex® CR 3401
Anearly forgotten graphite based release agent for high-pressure die casting of copper alloys has also been technologically modified and has shown positive results in the industry.

Read more: link zum Profil mit den neuen PDFs

<link file:7600 _blank download "Initiates file download">  </link><link - download "Initiates file download">Beads - solid plunger and sleeve lubricants</link>

<link file:7639 _blank download "Initiates file download">  Forging release agents for steel and aluminium</link>

<link file:7638 _blank download "Initiates file download">  oil based and paste release agents</link>

<link file:7642 _blank download "Initiates file download">  plunger and sleeve lubricants</link>

<link file:7644 _blank download "Initiates file download">  Release agents for high-pressure die casting</link>

<link file:7645 _blank download "Initiates file download">  Speciality products for high-pressure die casting</link>


Tribo-Chemie GmbH

Gutenbergstraße 4
97762 Hammelburg

Telefon: +4997327838-0
