CSABAcast Light Metal Foundry Ltd.

Industrial Park 1., 3032 Apc, Hungary


The main activity of CSABAcast Light Metal Foundry Limited Liability Company is the production, surface treatment, machining and assembly of pressure aluminum castings. Our customers are mainly European, mainly German car manufacturers, some automotive system suppliers, but we also supply aluminium parts to several companies not operating in the automotive industry, among which we would like to highlight Buderus GmbH, a member of the Bosch Group, and the Miele Group.

In addition to manufacturing, our design team also designs parts, as well as casting tools and devices. We are already supplying the VW Group with parts of our own development, which makes the team very proud. It is very important for us that our customer is satisfied; We hope to have the opportunity to develop new products in the future.


Industrial Park 1.
3032 Apc

Telefon +36 37 999 700

Pressemitteilungen & News

Huge investment at CSABAcast Ltd. for an e-mobility project with 3200t DC cells

The new order is an electric structural housing for e-vehicles. The housing will...
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