Inductotherm Deutschland GmbH

Am Parir 5, , 52379 Langerwehe , Germany


Inductotherm Deutschland GmbH


Inductotherm Corp. was founded in the United States in 1953 by Henry Rowan (owner). With over 60 years of experience in the development and construction of inductive smelting plants, Inductotherm grew into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of induction furnace systems with manufacturing facilities and sales offices in 23 countries and more than 3,000 employees. Over the years, other companies whose core competencies are also vacuum in the field of inductive heating, inductive welding or melting.

At an early stage, the top management decided to move to what is probably the most important economies, such as China and India. But also in countries such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, among others, production facilities have been set up that serve the local market.

In addition to these delivery plants, sales and service offices have been set up worldwide, providing near-universal coverage of the market and thus high service availability.

One such sales and service location is Inductotherm Deutschland GmbH, which was founded in 1987. From its Simmerath site near Aachen, sales, service and spare parts business are coordinated for Germany, Holland, Austria and Switzerland.

Inductotherm produces/delivers/installs:

  • MF melting furnaces with services ranging from 15 kW to 50,000 kW
  • MF melting furnaces with medium frequencies ranging from 60 Hz to 10,000 Hz, according to operational requirements
  • Facilities with different furnace sizes
  • A wide range of furnace sizes for cast iron, steel, NE metals, etc.
  • Induction crine furnaces for cast iron and NE metals with capacity up to 200 tons
  • Gating facilities-unheated and heated-with the patented Inductotherm casting control

Inductotherm systems ensure shortest melting times of often only a few minutes for a batch, i.e. maximum power concentration, which are indispensable for precision casting parts such as those used in aircraft construction and medicine.

To this end,:

  • Hand, rollover and special double axle ovens
  • Mini Melt hub furnaces with a capacity of 2 kg for melting precious metals as well as for use in the fine casting area

All these different concepts and designs offer each customer the optimal melting aggregate in terms of their respective company-specific conditions.

Inductotherm ensures quality …

  • High standard
  • ISO 9001 certification, which is used in everything from design to manufacturing, testing, installation and service of Inductotherm systems
  • Through international and European alignment with ISO 9001-1987 and EN 29001-1987
  • By Certificate Seal by the Organisers Lloyds, Register Quality Insurance
  • The fact that the plants comply with the relevant regulations in Germany, in particular the VDE/A4 regulations, the Machinery Act, the Occupation Ordinance Regulation, the guidelines of the trade associations and the UVV regulations, as well as the applicable provisions. EMC Guidelines

The Inductotherm concept offers:

  • Qualified customer advice and support
  • Practical planning and development of high-performance, space-saving, economical furnace facilities at competitive prices
  • Reduces possible construction, delivery, assembly and commissioning appointments through optimal service regarding spare parts supply and personnel dispatch, which takes place directly from Inductotherm Deutschland GmbH in Simmerath (near Aachen). From this, the dispatch of the most important spare and wear parts, which are in stock here, is also carried out.

We provide all of this to you-including the experience of more than 32,000 installed melting furnace systems worldwide.


Am Parir 5,
52379 Langerwehe

Telefon +49(0) 24 23 – 90 46 04 0

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Austausch von Fachwissen und Ideen auf der Inductotherm Leadership Conference 2024

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