Omega started out as the foundry division of Baker Perkins, who in the early 1970's produced the world's first continuous mixer and sand reclamation plant for the Furan process. They soon after developed the first 'Carousel' rotary moulding system Fascold no-bake Coreshooter and HSM high speed mixer. In 1984 there was a management buyout which led to the company separating from BP and re-forming as Omega Foundry Machinery Limited. From that time Omega has grown to incorporate a head office and manufacturing facility in Peterborough UK, a JV company in the USA, India and Australia, as well as registered in Turkey. Now with a network of more than 50 worldwide agents, Omega has become one of the largest suppliers of no-bake equipment worldwide. In 2009, Omega took control of Richards Engineering which gave Thermal Reclamation, Chromite Separation and Sand Coating technology to the group. Omega's UK headquarters
In 2001 Omega was awarded the UK Department for Trade and Industry Award for exports and in 2009 we were the recipients of the prestigious 'Queens Award for Enterprise and Innovation' Mark Fenyes (Chairman) receives the award from Queen Elizabeth II
Omega also has a research and development centre with Mechanical Reclamation, Thermal Reclamation, Secondary Attrition and Mixing facilities together with a full sand testing laboratory. Omega has the ability to provide full turn-key solutions to suit all of today's foundry needs as well as full spares and service back-up throughout the world.
Group Logos
Inhouse contactGeneral Sales and Spares Enquiries Tel : 0044 (0)1733 232231 FAX: 0044 (0)1733 237012
Channel of Distribution worldwideAUSTRALIA: Cast Metal Services Pty Ltd. as well as WES Omega Foundry Machinery (PTY) Ltd Categories
Morley Way
PE2 7BW Peterborough
United Kingdom