TCT Tesic GmbH

Kalthofer Feld 19, 58640 Iserlohn, Germany


Substantial growth and courage to take risks

Like many other companies, TCT too started small, very small as matter of fact: In 1993, Zoran Tesic founded the trading company TCT Industriehandels GmbH with focus on trade with used industrial equipment. He worked out of a small office in the basement of his house with help of a part-time secretary. With hard work he formed the foundation for the present TCT Tesic GmbH.

The company grew constantly and only 4 years later, Zoran built an industrial hall on a 3.000 m² plot of land in the industrial area of Kalthof in Iserlohn. In the meantime the form of enterprise was changed to TCT Tesic GmbH. At that time TCT employed 8 members of staff.

With his team, Zoran expanded the company activities in the coming years. A second hall was built as warehouse. Later an additional warehouse was rented in industrial town of Gelsenkirchen.

2005 marks a special date in the history of TCT. In this year, TCT started first time with large and complex foundry projects and so paving the path to present core activity of the company. One year later, a subsidiary was formed in Kikinda, Serbia.

The severe economic recession in 2009 shook the company like many others, but with full support of its staff and courage for risks, TCT came out of this difficult phase stronger than ever.

TCT is strongly committed to the future. Since 2012 TCT has moved to the present location with large industrial halls and ample space in order to cater to future tasks such as repairs and modernization of XXL foundry equipment. Since 2011, Zoran’s son Darko Tesic joined the company and ensures the continuation of the company.

  • Electric melting and holding furnaces (Elektrisch beheizte Schmelzöfen und Warmhalteöfen)
  • Crucible induction furnaces (Induktionstiegelöfen)
  • Channel type induction furnaces (Induktionsrinnenöfen)
  • Crucibles (Schmelztiegel)
  • Moulding machines and plants for bentonite-bonded sands (Formmaschinen und Formanlagen für tongebundene Formen)
  • Moulding machines (Einzelformmaschinen)
  • Moulding plants, flaskless (Formanlagen, kastenlos)
  • Moulding plants with flasks (Formanlagen, kastengebunden)
  • Moulding machines and plants for non bentonite-bonded moulds (Formmaschinen und Formanlagen für nicht tongebundene Formen)
  • Cold-setting resin moulding process, equipment (Kaltharzformverfahren, Einrichtungen)
  • Shell moulding process, equipment (Maskenformverfahren, Einrichtungen)
  • Core making machines and plants (Kernherstellungsmaschinen und Anlagen)
  • Core blowing and shooting machines and plants (Kernblas- und Kernschießmaschinen und Anlagen)
  • Core making machines, other (Kernherstellungsmaschinen, sonstige)
  • Gassing equipment for moulds and cores (Begasungseinrichtungen für Formen und Kerne)
  • Core handling equipment (Kernhandhabungsgeräte)
  • Core treatment equipment (deflashing, coating, drilling), core glueing equipment (Kernbehandlungseinrichtungen (Entgraten, Schlichten, Bohren), Kernklebegeräte)
  • Moulding sand preparation (Formstoffaufbereitung)
  • Moulding sand preparation machines and plants (Formstoffaufbereitungsmaschinen und -anlagen)
  • Moulding sand mixer (Formstoffmischer)
  • Sand reclamation of clay bonded moulding sands (Regenerierung tongebundener Formstoffe)
  • Sand reclamation of sodium silicate and cement bonded sands (Regenerierung wasserglas- und zementgebundener Formstoffe)
  • Pouring equipment, heated (pouring furnaces) (Gießeinrichtungen, beheizt (Gießöfen)
  • Manipulators (Handhabungsgeräte)
  • Manipulators, mechanical (Manipulatoren)
  • Dust extraction systems (Entstaubungsanlagen)
  • Mould handling equipment (Formhandhabungsgeräte)
  • Sand reclamation of synthetic resin bonded sans (Regenerierung kunstharzgebundener Formstoffe)


Kalthofer Feld 19
58640 Iserlohn

Telefon +49 (0) 2371-7726-0

Pressemitteilungen & News

TCT Tesic: Nothing is as constant as change

After 28 successful years at TCT Tesic GmbH, founder and managing director, Zora...

TCT Tesic: Nichts ist so beständig wie der Wandel!

Nach 28 erfolgreichen Jahren der TCT Tesic GmbH, verabschiedet sich der Gründer...

The next generation is here!

Tobias Manka has been with the company since 2007 and has worked his way up from...
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