Tool-Temp AG

Industriestrasse 30, 8583 Sulgen, Switzerland


Our work has always focused on the quality and reliability of your Tool-Temp equipment. Therefore we manufacture the key components ourselves or at least participate in their development. Only in this way can we have a decisive influence on the quality of the components.

With this philosophy in mind, we produce maintenance-free and service-friendly devices that enable you to achieve high-precision temperature control. Our commitment to quality also includes logical operation and ease of repair. This enables us to keep your purchase and operating costs low.

Over the past two generations, we have built up a dense distribution and service network throughout the world, with many of our branches being opened in the last 14 years. This evolution goes hand in hand with permanent investment in our operating resources. Today, we can assist you with highly qualified professionals who have sound expertise in your Tool-Temp products.

With our quick repair, and spare parts service, and well-stocked warehouses, we’re on hand to help at any time – no matter what you manufacture, where your production plants are located, what language you speak and when you need us. Technical advice and troubleshooting assistance is also one of our top priorities.

"A lot has changed since our foundation in 1973. Only one thing has not changed: You and your wishes are still the centre of our everyday life, day after day. That is why we set the bar ambitiously high - on your satisfaction."

Jasmine Koller, Executive Management

Die casting - we provide you with perfect tool tempering

Precise temperature control is essential throughout the entire die casting process. We can support your production processes with suitable temperature control units to ensure optimal and efficient control. Our Tool-Temp temperature control units are used for a wide range of different die casting methods.

Controlling the die temperature with Tool-Temp - proven and reliable

A temperature control unit is used to heat the die and maintain it at the required temperature, i.e. the defined operating temperature. Temperature control units bring consumers up to the required temperature by circulating a liquid heat transfer medium and maintaining the desired temperature using a constant controlled cycle of heating and cooling. Ensuring a stable die temperature ensures uniform high quality cast parts, optimised cycle times as well as a longer service life.

The die temperature is the key factor influencing the dissipation of heat from the molten material as well as for filling the mould and for the proper setting of the cast part. A common source of defects in die casting is not having the die at the optimum temperature. This problem can be avoided by using one of our temperature control units.

Die temperature control in die casting
When producing die cast parts, being able to control the thermal processes in the die plays a key role. Each die should therefore be heated up to the required casting temperature before production starts. This generally has the effect of increasing the useful life of dies. The die is subjected to more gentle stresses if the temperature difference between the casting temperature and die itself is as small as possible. Casting with a die that is cold, or insufficiently pre-heated, can result in high stresses on the tool surface as well as poor quality of the cast part.

Key factors for effective temperature control of the die are the temperature control unit, a suitable heat transfer medium and the tempering channels in the die. The tempering channels must be sufficiently large to ensure fast circulation and a minimal loss of pressure in the die. Selecting the right temperature control unit depends on the design of the channels in the die. The temperature control unit must be sufficiently powerful to regulate the temperature of the die and remove heat. The heat transfer medium plays a significant role in ensuring optimal temperature regulation. The better the heat transfer properties of the medium used, the more efficiently large amount of heat can be moved. Due to the high temperatures involved, die casting often uses oil heat transfer mediums. Tool-Temp’s recommended heat transfer medium is TOOL-THERM SH-3. This is a mineral based, temperature stable oil for use up to 360°C.

Stable heat balance
Optimising die temperatures for even temperature distribution and a peak temperature reduction on the surface can delay the onset of tool damage, particularly the development of fire cracks, and thus significantly increase the service life of the die. Part quality and cycle times also greatly depend on the heat balance of the casting die. High wastage in die casting is also associated with insufficient die temperatures.


Industriestrasse 30
8583 Sulgen

Telefon +41 71 644 77 77

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