“FOUNDRY 4.0” USING FRP Driving the Digital Transformation in Metal Casting Operations

PART 6 (Last and Final)

A series of 6 publications showcasing how foundries can move to the next step into the “industry 4.0” level.


Mr Christian Kleeberg – Singapore –; Email: ck@rgu-asia.com

MR. Ronald Kreft – Dortmund/Germany - ; Email: rk@rgu.de

In part 6 of this series we will summarize what the past 12 months with FRP® solutions have achieved by introducing integrated corporate solutions and writing about foundries being the last frontier when it comes to digital transformation and digitalization of company processes.

We have mentioned many times that ancient traditions carried forward by generations and huge amounts of experience may be replaced by modern state-of-the-art software solution technologies, making the industry attractive to young talent, providing room for legacy renewal and helping to rejuvenate. This article # 6 shall highlight the importance of what it means to bring the operations on ONE standard platform, how DATA can be visualized using dashboard and other instruments, e.g. FIS (foundry information system) and why classical systems including Excel/ERP are continuing to fail in foundry environments. After all we want to transform the industry into something technically and IT wise advanced as we cannot change the way castings are done BUT we can change the way castings processes are controlled using easy to use and plug & play software based solutions.

  • Part 6: Why is it important to deploy FRP® and what are the advantages?

FRP® - Foundry Resource Planning Solutions were introduced one year ago to the Foundry Planet Global readership audience. Many people and industry experts contacted the editors and asked many questions. Among the questions asked ONE stood out and we want to answer this in an elaborated way: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST AND CAN I AFFORD IT???

The editors realized that the industry is ripe for something that is innovative, new in terms of capabilities und ultimately really works in metal casting environments. Foundries are known for the complexity of juggling man-machine-material combined with organizing core-melt-mold-fettling-machining and much more. Standard disposition tools and Excel files using manual means of reporting are the current reason of WHY foundry is not transparent and the majority of operations do not succeed in having “less headaches” – so to speak.

We mentioned many times that foundry Managers of the future become IT – gurus as many computer - based technologies must be mastered in parallel, it is not enough just to know about methoding and casting.

One example of todays foundry world is the collection and interactive usage of PRODUCTION DATA in an integrated system. Foundries using generic systems or only Excel always struggle to get their own production under control by precisely knowing what is where / when and how. Numerous examples especially from the jobbing foundry world can mentioned upon demand.

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