After well-attended 59th IFC Portoroz 2019, held together with the WFOTechnical Forum, follows the jubilee 60th IFC Portoroz 2020 with a foundry exhibition, from 16 - 18 September 2020 under the motto "Tradition and Future".
The Slovenian Foundrymen Society as organizers, together with Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, kindly invite to participate: universities, institutes, foundry companies and all those in the foundry. You can attend our foundry event as lecturers, exhibitors at the foundry exhibition or only as participants.
All information and registration forms are available here: www.drustvo-livarjev.
The Deadline for submitting an official registration form for lecturers with a lecture title and abstract is April 30th 2020.
The Deadline for submitting an official registration form for exhibitors is July 31st 2020 or until all exhibition areas are filled up.
Contact information:
Slovenian Foundrymen Society
Lepi pot 6, p.p. 424, SI-1001 Ljubljana
T: +386 1 252 24 88
F: +386 1 426 99 34
E: drustvo.livarjev(at)