Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses

Amafond Convention 2015

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<link internal-link internal link in current> Amafond Convention 2015 - Gallery

The new AMAFOND President, Dr. Piero Starita opened the annual Amafond Convention with his professional staff in the ambience of the Villa Fenaroli Palace near Brescia, welcoming an estimated 250 delegates from Italian foundries and suppliers.

Various topics were covered following the opening remarks of President Piero Starita. We also had the pleasure of listening to the speech of Dr. Roberto Ariotti (Assofond) who gave us an interesting overview on the Italian foundry industry.

Ferdinand Pastor Agency (ICE) provided a point of view on the relationship between the agency and Amafond, which should lead to further collaboration. Of great interest was the intervention of Dr. Roberto Vavassori (ANFIA) who offered a comprehensive analysis of the automobile sector which shows positive results although Italy continues to produce a tenth of what of what Germany produces and a third compared to France.

Prof.Pio De Gregorio (UBI Banca) also provided a rather complete picture on the scenarios macroeconomic sector and future prospects in his speech. 

After a short break, the convention resumed with an additional auto industry expert, Mr. Claudio Mus (Rheinfelden Alloys GmbH & Co.) who focused his speech on the aluminum in the automotive sector.  The last speaker was engineer Roberto Crapelli (Roland Berger), a leading expert of the subject “Industry 4.0.”

The conference then concluded with the presentation of awards to individuals who have contributed to the development of the foundry industry and in Italian world.

A special thanks goes out to all participants and we welcome year 2016 where we celebrate the 70th year anniversary of Amafond.


<link file:7689 _blank download file>  presentazione ariotti.pdf

<link file:7666 _blank download file>  Presentazione AWARD CARRIERA 2015.pdf

<link file:7606 _blank download file>  presentazione Mus.pdf

<link file:7695 _blank download file>  Presentazione pio de gregorio.pdf

<link file:7696 _blank download file>  PRESENTAZIONE VAVASSORI.pdf

<link file:7608 _blank download file>  Speech Crapelli_Amafond.pdf



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