
Challenges for the foundry industry - POLISH FOUNDRYMAN’S DAY 2022

Pressemitteilung | Lesedauer: min

the celebration of the Polish Foundrymens’ Day was accompanied by the International Conference on Challenges for the foundry industry“. The subject of the conference will be devoted mainly to the possibilities of modernization and innovation of solutions for reducing energy consumption, digitization, changes in production processes for the production of more and more demanding castings and the implementation of the idea of Industry 4.0Around 230 people from Poland and abroad took part in the conference.

During the conference 13 papers were presented. Companies such as Luneos, Exone or Nega Energy and representatives of research centers from Poland presented their solutions.

  1. How much can be saved on the energy transition and why is it a strategic necessity for enterprises today?/ Luneos Sp. z o.o.
  2. Examples of sand 3D printing applications for the Polish and foreign markets/ ExOne
  3. Waste heat recovery as one of the most effective ways to save energy in Foundries/ Nega-Energy
  4. Hybrid protective coatings – a new technology for the elimination of a group of surface defects typical for large-size castings: veins, deep filtration, penetration, roughness, burnsKrakodlew SA
  5. Modern materials that save costs in foundry/ Sand Team, spol. s r.o.
  6. Advanced Shimadzu solutions for foundry industry/ Shim-pol
  7. Possible application of different technology of using technical gases in foundries plants / Messer Polska Sp. z o.o
  8. Cutting edge composite technologies for use in the foundry industry. 1 instead of 2./ Innerco Sp. z o.o.
  9. Żywfur EKO – New generation of environmentally friendly furfuryl resins for the foundry industry/ Grupa Azoty Jednostka Ratownictwa Chemicznego Sp.z o.o.
  10. Fast, non-destructive method for assessing residual stress as support for minimizing production costsNNT Sp. z o.o.
  11. Digitization of production processes in foundries using the ERP system and artificial intelligence/  ABAS Business Solutions Poland Sp. z o. o.
  12. Casting of engine pistons from aluminum alloys over 50 years in Federal-Mogul GorzyceSilesian University of Technology
  13. Research directions in the application of new IT solutions in metal foundriesAGH

The conference was accompanied by an exhibition of 17 companies.

During the official opening of the conference, Honorary STOP Badges and the Casting of the Year Award - 2021 edition were awarded to Odlewnia Silum Sp. z o. o.

The guest of the ceremony was Andrew Turner - Executive Secretary, World Foundry Organization, whom the STOP thanked for long-term cooperation and support.

The Polish Foundryman's Day, as every year, is a great place to exchange information and establish new business contacts. Just now we are invite you for the next edition in 2023.



Polish Foundrymen's Association (STOP)

ul. Zakopia?ska 73
30418 Kraków

Telefon: +48 12 26 18 576
