Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses


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The die cast technology forum, “Leading • Innovation • Vision”, hosted by MILLISON and OSKAR FRECH in Chongqing on May 14th, attracted over 150 participants from enterprises, universities, institutions, associations, and media all over the world, who came together to communicate and discuss cutting-edge, innovative technology and theories.

Innovative Technology and Theories

High pressure die casting has been through several decades of development. Due to the continuous improvement of its casting technologies, as well as the aluminum materials melting methods, aluminum high pressure die casting has already been applied to transportation, aerospace, light and construction, telecommunication, and electron industry and so on. At the moment, various countries are dedicated to the break-through technologies of high pressure die casting through the improvement of vacuum die casting machines as well as its equipment, the design of mould, new materials, spray technology, casting simulation methods aspects, etc., in order to build even more impressive die casting products. HPDC is also systematic engineering, so it is very important to have technology communication among different sectors.

Leading Position in High Pressure Die Casting

MILLISON was recognized as a “High-Technical Enterprise” by the Chinese government, is one of China’s top 50 die casting manufacturers, and has established the long-term strategic cooperate relationship with some Fortune 500 enterprises in both the automotive and telecommunication industries. MILLISON focuses on the development of vehicle engine blocks, auto-transmission cases, gearing housings, and radio frames and covers for 4G and 5G.

Germany’s OSKAR FRECH Company is well-known for its high pressure die casting machines and equipment. It occupies a considerable market share and keeps a leading position in the high pressure die casting equipment industry.

At the beginning of the event, MILLISON CEO Arthur Yu and OSKAR FRECH’s Global Sales Director of Cold Chamber Die Casting Machines gave welcome speeches and expressed great expectations of the conference.

Great Speakers

The speeches by guest speakers were a highlight at the forum, and included complete solutions related to die casting. Speeches related to the die casting process included:

  • “New GDK 4000S-Vacural- potential of Vacural Technology” and “FRECH: Latest Machine Developments” by Mr. Thomas Ninkel, Area Sales Director for Asia for Oskar Frech Germany
  • “New Innovative and Patented Vacuum Dosing System for Conventional and Structural Parts in Al-Mg Alloys” by Mr. Roger Rapp, GM from Meltec Austria
  • “New Concept of Multiple Zone Temperature Control for the Casting Process of Die Casting Cells>20,000KN Clamping Force” by Mr. Norbert Obermaier, GM of Robamat Austria
  • "New Application in Vacuum Technology" by Mr. Martin Afkan from VDS Switzerland
  • and "New Trend in Spraying Technology" by Mr. Dirk Koensgen from Boehmer Germany.

    Speeches concerning die casting parts design included:
  • "Technique Innovation of Die Casting in MILLISON" Mr. Hanson Jiang, vice General Manager
  • "High Pressure Die Casting Components and Casting Simulation Methods as Key to Lightweight Car Body Structures" by Mr. Sauber from Audi AG
  • and "Ultralight Aluminium Foam Materials and their Potential Applications in Transport Vehicles." by Prof. Liu Yuan Tsinghua University


Roger Rapp - Meltec


Just like the theme of this forum, “Leading • Innovation • Vision”, die casters expected, both domestic and foreign, gathered to speak out freely, leading the direction of die casting development, sharing and communicating innovative thoughts and achievements, and expanding the collective vision. In this setting, we were able to showcase the character of high pressure die casting industry. Since the establishment of MILLISON in China 16 years ago, this is the first time it has cooperated to host an international die casting technology forum with world famous die casting machine company, and is a great milestone in the MILLISON’s development.

written by, Jefferey Zhou


Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG

Schorndorfer Straße 32
73614 Schorndorf-Weiler

Telefon: +49 (0)7181 70 20
