SAND TEAM, spol. s r.o. was founded in 1997 with people who had years of experience of foundry moulding materials. The work of many of them at the State Research Institute of Materials allowed them to carry out their own research and development of inorganic geopolymer binders and effective machinery to reclaim them. The main goal of the company was and is to provide comprehensive services and technical support for the production of foundry moulds and cores. We supply raw materials, technologies, equipment and laboratory instruments.
In 2006 we built our own business premises with a production hall. Construction and growth of the company continued and in 2013 we opened a core room, new storage areas and in particular new spacious laboratories. Our laboratories with their modern instruments allow us to carry out not only our own research but also a variety of tests for us and our customers. Our aim is to help customers with manufacturing their own castings. Through these activities and cooperation with our partners we are constantly expanding our range of services.
On May 21, 2020, we successfully renewed the certificates of the quality and environmental management system according to the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards, which can be viewed here:
The main activity of the company SAND TEAM, spol. s r.o. is comprehensive assistance by ensuring the production of castings. Our main activities include the production of sand cores and moulds and of the geopolymer binder GEOPOL®. For the production of moulding mixtures we supply inorganic binders – Geopolymers and water glasses, organic binders.
We also offer quartz sands and non quartz opening materials, coated sands for the Croning method, release agents and a wide range of auxiliary agents (hardeners, oil-bentonite mixture and others). We supply foundry chaplets and low-carbon blasting material. We provide the design, manufacture and installation of integrated capital equipment – machinery for core rooms, machinery for the preparation and moulding of bentonite and chemically bound sands as well as the reclaiming of used sand. For the quality control of the applied sands we supply laboratory equipment, including customer service, regular calibrations and the training of professional staff. An integral part of our work is our own research and development, focusing on the development of foundry binders which does not pose an ecological risk for human health and the environment.
Holubice 331
683 51 Holubice
Czech Republic