Foundry Corporate News Fairs and Congresses


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Lithyo and the BRICS Foundry Forum 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod was a perfect opportunity to explore the current economic situation in Russia and to get an impression about the huge potentials they have here.

The hosts from Russian Asssociation of Foundrymen with president Prof. Ivan Dibrov provided a really interesting program from the highlights of the Volga Region of Nizhny Novgorod, work visits in leading plants of the region up to intensive exchange of information among the BRICS Foundry Forum members, suppliers and exhibitors.

Nizhny Novgorod as historic leading region for the production for the railway industry, wheels, special steel, automotive and aerospace production was anyway the right place for Russian Foundrymen and the delegates from BRICS Foundry Forum.

The BRICS Countries, who cover almost 60 % of the world production of castings held their 5 th conference not only to meet again, but to support the BRICS countries to be more competitive and find out possibilities to strengthen their position. 

Establishment of the BRICS Foundry Association

The signing of the constitution for establishment of the interregional BRICS Foundry Association took place on 10th of September 2015 in Nizhny Novgorod at the 5th BRICS Foundry Forum.

Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev and representatives of the Ministry of economic development and the Ministry of Industry of Niizhny Novgorod participated at the signing ceremony of the constitution in support of the BRICS Foundry Association.

Establishment of BRICS Foundry Association was initiated by national foundry associations of BRICS countries: Brazilian Foundry Association (ABIFA), Russian Association of Foundrymen (RAF), The Institute of Indian Foundrymen (IIF), China Foundry Association (CFA), South African Institute of Foundrymen (SAIF) which have experience of cooperation of annual Foundry Forums since 2011.

BRICS Foundry Association is the project of multilateral, interregional, industrial cooperation and the first industrial association of BRICS countries.

The aim of the association is the consolidation of national foundry enterprises and organizations of BRICS countries for international industrial cooperation development and assisting to implementation of national development plans for providing BRICS economies sustainability as integral part of global economy.

Foundry production is a basic pillar of machine building and machine tool industry: 30 – 50 % of mass of tools, machines, equipment, tools etc. consists of foundry products. At the same time foundry enterprises closely connected with metallurgy production and technology by providing foundries with metal raw materials.

Thus, the foundry industry is a vital technology chain in production cluster “Metallurgy– Foundry–Machine building” which defines rate of industrial development of real economy national sector and which is considered as one of priority, key factors of country sustainable economy. 

The role of branches Associations was emphasized at the BRICS Summit 2015 in Ufa at the discussions of BRICS Roadmap accepted by BRICS leaders for further development:

“Russia has also drafted a Roadmap for BRICS investment cooperation. We expect our partners to contribute to it so that we could finalize the documents before the end of this year.

We had consultations with our business representatives and have already placed some 50 projects and business initiatives on this roadmap. These include proposals to set up an Energy association, create an International Centre for energy studies and a Foundry Union.” (From the speech of President of Russia Vladimir Putin at BRICS Leaders’ meeting in expanded format. July 9, 2015, Ufa ).  


The new Stage

Establishment of transnational industrial association is a new stage of cooperation between BRICS countries. On initiative of UNIDO Centre in the Russian Federation and Russian foundry enterprises of Industrial Innovation Club of UNIDO  Centre in RF complex proposal on development of industrial clusters “Metallurgy– Foundry–Machine building” was included in BRICS Roadmap where BRICS Foundry Association is an important consolidating technology chain.

Consolidation of industrial efforts of BRICS countries in particular branches and concrete projects is aimed to solve key tasks of sustainable economic growth: development of real sector of economy, industrial development, development of technology and innovation, development of SMEs business.
Source: Igor Kulkov                                                                                                                                                                  
National Representative at the V BRICS Foundry Forum                                                                                
Coordinator of Industrial Innovation Club of UNIDO Centre in the Russian Federation

Download presentations:

 <link file:7685 _blank download file>BRICS 2015 Brazil.pdf
  <link file:7691 _blank download file>BRICS 2015 China.pdf
  <link file:7641 _blank download file>BRICS 2015 India.pdf
  <link file:7690 _blank download file>BRICS 2015 Russia Dibrov.pdf
  <link file:7686 _blank download file>BRICS 2015 SouthAfrica.pdf
<link file:7615 _blank download file>  Russia Statement Foundry-Planet 2015.pdf
<link file:7675 _blank download file>  VDMA/CEMAFON Congress of Russian Foundrymen 2015.pdf

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Russian Foundrymen Association


