

A message from American Foundry Society CEO, Doug Kurkul

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After purposeful consideration, the American Foundry Society Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to cancel Metalcasting Congress 2020. This outcome became unavoidable in recent days, especially after the Ohio Governor prohibited large public gatherings. Given the uncertainty relative to the duration of mass-gathering bans, AFS does not plan to reschedule the event.

Since so many foundry personnel, suppliers, casting buyers, and students rely on Metalcasting Congress as the single-most anticipated event on their annual calendar, this was an especially difficult choice. Although this action also comes at a significant financial cost to AFS, it is the right course of action for the well-being of our registrants, exhibitors and AFS professional staff.

For historical perspective, the last time Metalcasting Congress was cancelled was in 1945, during the final months of World War II. It is important to remember that AFS is your association. With roots going back 124 years, AFS has been here to advocate for the vital interests of our industry; to educate current metalcasters and encourage future foundry leaders; and to foster innovation throughout the foundry community. The economic disruption we are now facing illustrates – more than ever – the need for AFS to continue to lead our industry and serve our membership.

We know that the current economic slowdown poses new sources of uncertainty in your business planning. Although Metalcasting Congress had to be cancelled, AFS is committed to supporting our membership and the metalcasting community in every possible way in the weeks and months ahead.

Exhibitor and Registrant Refunds

AFS is prepared to refund 100 percent of applicable fees paid to AFS to exhibitors and registrants. Recognizing that the cancellation of Metalcasting Congress resulted in the loss of a large source of operating revenue for AFS, some exhibitors and registrants have asked about contributing a portion of their refund back to AFS. If you are interested in contributing some portion of your refund back to AFS, please click here. Your donation will help AFS to continue to grow and sustain its program offerings and help foundries achieve their technical and business goals. 

Sponsorships, Show Guide and Awards

We will be contacting Metalcasting Congress sponsors individually, to discuss refunds and/or alternative sponsorship opportunities at upcoming events.

The 2020 Show Guide will be reimagined with technical-paper content and will be distributed broadly.

The Gold Medals, Service Citations and Awards of Scientific Merit will be presented at the 2020 Foundry Leadership Summit, September 20-22 in Lake Tahoe, California. Announcements about other awards, and other show-related matters, will be made as details become available.

Celebrating AFS’s 125th Anniversary at Metalcasting Congress 2021

We are developing plans for an exciting Metalcasting Congress in Milwaukee on April 13-15, 2021, where we will be celebrating the 125th anniversary of AFS. Please be sure to mark your calendars for Metalcasting Congress 2021.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I send our best wishes for good health and safety to you, your family and your employees. We thank you for your patience throughout this decision-making process, your dedication to the metalcasting industry, and your commitment to AFS.


Company Info

AFS - American Foundry Society

1695 North Penny Lane
IL 60173 Schaumburg
United States

Telephone: 800/537-4237
