
Chances and Challenges for the global Foundry Industry Status: April 2024

By Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Büchner

Reading time: min

The renowned analyst Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Büchner, who now works as an independent consultant, together with his colleagues from IKB Deutsche Industriebank Dennis Rheinsberg and Sina Lutter, has once again issued an up-to-date assessment and forecast on the development of the international foundry industry.

Chances and Challenges for the global Foundry Industry as of April 2024 shows you the key economic figures and developments.

The analysis ranges from a macroeconomic view of selected sectors to the foundry industry and takes geopolitical and technological assumptions into account.

Büchner expects different developments in iron and steel and sees varying trends in Europe, India and elsewhere.

He, sees good developments in the aluminum sector, also in Europe.

Read the comprehensive global study now free of charge in our whitepaper section: Whitepapers - B2B Portal

