
Gontermann-Peipers GmbH - GP’s Heaviest Rolls in Use at the Dillinger Ironworks

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A heavy duty roll for the Dillinger Ironworks during finishing
A heavy duty roll for the Dillinger Ironworks during finishing

The roll being transported on a special German Rail freight car
The roll being transported on a special German Rail freight car

In June 2011, a group of twenty employees from Gontermann-Peipers GmbH in Siegen accepted an invitation to tour the Dillinger Hütte GTS. The heavy plate rolling mill at the Dillinger Hütte GTS is one of the most powerful in the world. Among others, GP's heavy duty rolls are used here.

Casting a heavy duty roll with a finished weight of 265 tons that measures 5,230 mm in length - referred to in GP parlance as a "big Dillinger" - is always a special event. So of course the Gontermann-Peipers employees were eager to see this unusual roll in tough use.

In the rolling mill, slabs of various thicknesses are heated to working temperature in long reheating furnaces and then transported to the roughing stand via roller conveyors. In the control room, the visitors were able to follow the individual operations in detail. The tour then proceeded to the finishing stand. The GP heavy duty roll seems almost small and insignificant in the huge rolling stand. The powerful forces that the backup rolls must withstand during rolling out of the slabs can only be appreciated during the rolling process.

Afterwards, the tour continued in the roll workshop. This is where the working and backup rolls are assembled and ground for the next use.

It was very interesting for the Gontermann-Peipers employees to see their heavy duty rolls in use!

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Gontermann-Peipers GmbH is a leading foundry. For further information and contact details click here: Gontermann-Peipers GmbH