
High attendance at Austrian Foundry Congress

03.04. – 04.04.2008, St. Pölten, Austria

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The Austrian Foundry Research Institute (OGI) called to the 52nd Austrian Foundry Congress to St. Pölten in Lower Austria. More than 300 visitors came to attend. For this reason the "Foundry Evening" had to be relocated from originally scheduled Winzerhof Müllner to Stift Göttweig, better suitable for this number of visitors.

Numerous and interesting speeches from representatives from the foundry industry and universities took care of nearly completely occupied halls. Highlight of the event was naturally successful and perfect organized "Foundry Evening" in Stift Göttweg with wonderful view of the Danube valley.

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Foundry Evening in Stift Göttweig
Foto left: DI Gerhard Schindelbacher from ÖGI (left) and Dipl.-Ing. Adolf Kerbl / CEO of Austrian Foundry-Industry Association (right)
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