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Hüttenes-Albertus Expands Its Technical Service

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When it comes to powerful binder systems for core making, Hüttenes-Albertus is one of the preferred suppliers to the foundry industry worldwide. But the HA brand isn't only synonymous with first-class products, it also stands for tech-nical expertise and comprehensive service.

In Klaus Jenrich the company has appointed a renowned specialist in the field of core shooting simulation, whose new technical service will enhance the support we provide for our customers.

Reliable prediction instead of trial and error

Despite state-of-the-art machine technology for sand core manufacturing, the construc-tion of core shooting tools is still largely a process of trial and error. For example, the arrangement of shooting nozzles and air outlets within a core box depends largely on the experience of a foundry's specialists. Only the finished cast part will tell whether a new tool will work as desired. There is often a long and costly optimisation process be-fore a series can go into production. It would be much easier if foundries could predict in advance how the individual parameters of a tool would affect the quality of the shot core.

Virtual representation of the flow behaviour

In this context, the simulation of core making holds massive potential. Simulation ena-bles the core shooting and curing processes to be modelled virtually, making all of the details during these processes transparent. The flow behaviour of the sand-air mixture can be observed on a monitor in slow motion and from every perspective.

Insight into the “black-box” process

A three-dimensional insight into the – otherwise hidden – “black-box” process of core production helps to avoid mistakes as early as at the core box design stage. Moreover, the simulation can be used specifically to identify the causes of core defects during the production process.

In the next step, the core gassing and curing processes are visualised. Simulation helps the specialist and his customer to find explanations for problems, such as insufficiently cured core sections, excess amine consumption or an unusually long gassing time.

Competent advice

HA's experienced foundry engineers and chemists have a reputation for helping their customers to solve foundry problems. In addition to the company's proven technical service, its extensive analysis, testing services and expert consultation offer, HA is now also able to offer its customers support in the area of core shooting simulation. For its simulations, HA relies on Magma C+M software, with which it has had very positive experience.

Saving development time and costs

“Using the modern simulation technology, we make the core shooting process and the quality of the castings predictable”, says Amine Serghini, Member of the Management Board at Hüttenes-Albertus. “This means true added value for our customers. We can either help them save time and costs during the development of new tools or solve problems in existing processes. Admittedly, the system is extremely complex to use. To obtain reliable results, you need an excellent database and extensive expertise. For this reason we have appointed a specialist with exactly the right qualifications and expertise to provide this service to our customers.”

Company Info

Hüttenes-Albertus Chemische Werke GmbH

Wiesenstraße 23
40549 Düsseldorf

Telephone: +49 (0)211 / 5087 - 0
