Dear guests,
When you register with Global Procurement Service Platform you can easily access to the qualified China foundry enterprise information proved by CFA , users could quickly find secure and reliable supplier as well as access all kinds of high quality products. The global procurement service platform allows the users to easily control your purchasing costs, and helps to greatly improve your overall trading efficiency.
This service can provide integration access for manufactured resources. There is also searching and matching ability to support online users through published resources i.e., inquiry, quotation, contract procurement, and manufacturing synergy process. This ability enables users to save time, cost, and could also update your existing supply chain.
This convenient global online procurement platform will provide our customers free registration and identification. The platform is based on a new service mode available via the internet. On the platform each individual user can build their private business partnerships through a cloud service, and build enterprise value through Social Network.
Our service intention to invite the national foundry enterprises and related services based on the global procurement platform to develop collaborative affiliations.
more info: <link http: _new>