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Meltech Furnace Technology at Newby Foundries Group

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Since the installation of the very first 550kW , 1,000Hz Pulsar induction furnace system at Newby foundries in Wednesbury back in August 2011,  Meltech Ltd has been awarded a further two orders comprising of another identical system at the same facility and an additional smaller machine at its Steel foundry division based in Smethwick in the West Midlands.

Newby foundries in Wednesbury is the UK’s leading manufacturer of shell moulded SG and Grey Iron  castings for the Hydraulic , pumping and Automotive industries, other divisions within the group include  Newby Investment castings based in Brightlingsea  and the more recently acquired Newby Steel castings based in Smethwick.   

Mr Phil Grubb , Newby foundries managing director explains “ It’s always a risk purchasing newly developed equipment as teething problems can be experienced as the product is field tested, having worked with the people at Meltech for a number of years we had confidence in their design expertise and service which made our purchasing decision easier. The Machine was installed back in the 2011 summer shut down over a 7 day period and was in full production from then on. Once installed we found that the melt rate remained the same as the machine we replaced but was rated at only 90% of the kW’s. Other notable advantages included much improved reliability and a much better power factor”

The foundry operates at a very high utilisation operating a two or three shift system, 5 days a week. In order to maximize production through the moulding line it was Newby foundries performance criteria that the furnace would provide an output of 550kg of iron pour every 45 minutes including charging, analysis, preparation and pouring. This high performance was achieved due to the machines efficiency in conjunction with highly trained furnace operators and a systematic approach to improvements in the movement of charge materials and pouring of hot metal.

The first of the two current orders mirrors the original 550kW 1,000Hz machine installed back in 2011 and will work in line driving a single 500kg furnace body on the same platform, the second Pulsar is rated at 375kW 1,000Hz with one 600kg tilting furnace body and is to be installed with a brand new water cooling system at the Smethwick foundry in November.

The Pulsar range of inverters is now enjoying an increasing sales growth in both standard and special melting processes at mid-range frequencies and voltages. With further development due for completion early next year, low voltage vacuum and low frequency alloying systems will open up a new market sector for this product line. 

Recent orders for both new and rebuilt equipment include three systems for the Belgium market and two for the UK indicate that the future market potential for this system is set to increase.


Company Info


185 Cannock Road, Westcroft
WV10 8QL Wolverhampton
United Kingdom

Telephone: +4401902722588
