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Over the past years, China has emerged as the largest producer of aluminium in the world. The Chinese export of aluminium is increasing at the same time as domestic demand is ever increasing. Quality is becoming a crucial issue for customers, and therefore also for the producers.
Precimeter Group recognizes China as one of the most important world markets and realizes the need to have local presence. Therefore, the decision was made to open a Representative Office in Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China. As of January 2009, the office is up and running.
To represent Precimeter in China, Ms. Elin Lidén has been hired as Chief Representative stationed in Shanghai. Ms. Lidén holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from the renowned Chalmers University in Gothenburg, Sweden and has also studied Mandarin Chinese at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Ms. Lidén has a great interest in China and Chinese culture and has lived in Shanghai since 2007. Precimeter Group welcomes one of its newest employees and wishes her the best of luck in China!
Precimeter Group strongly believes in the growth of the Aluminium business. The Group is in an expansive phase, with interesting developments ahead. With offices in Sweden, Germany, the US, Japan, Brazil and now in China, Precimeter is truly a global actor offering great support to its world wide customers. In addition, Precimeter has 30 local representatives in countries throughout the world.
To contact the Shanghai office, please send an e-mail to <link> and Ms. Lidén will
be in touch with you as soon as possible or call +86 21 5298 0281.
The local address is:
Precimeter Control AB Shanghai Representative Office
Room 1608C, 16/F Merchant Plaza South Wing
333 North Chengdu Road, Jing’an District
200041 Shanghai
上海市静安区成都北路333 号招商局广场南楼16 层1608C
邮编: 200041
Suppliers Catalogue: <link _top>Precimeter Control AB
Suppliers Catalogue: <link _top>Precimeter Control AB Shanghai Representative Office