
reis - International Innovation Prize for robot developing companies

"Walter Reis – Innovation Award for Robotics“

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reis Robotics - Walter Reis
Walter Reis

Walter Reis, one of the pioneers in robotics in Europe and founder and owner of Reis Robotics in Obernburg offers the innovation award for robotics for the fourth time. The award includes prize money of 5.000 € and is given every two years on the occasion of the Automatica fair in Munich. This award will be offered internationally for outstanding developments both from the industrial range as well as from universities for the following subjects:

  • New applications for robots in industrial production processes
  • Innovations in the field service robotics in an industrial environment
  • Innovations with kinematics, the control and the drive technique for robots
  • Developments in related special fields

Automation systems with robots contribute to a high degree that by new effective production processes the jobs can be saved despite high unit labor costs in the Western European industrialized nations. Just by new applications of industrial robots, e.g. assistant robots, relieving the worker in cooperation with man, this effect can even be increased in future.

In Germany, above all there is a great know-how in the development of robots and robot controllers. This was proven by the number of the national applications. Innovative proposals were also handed in from various European development groups documenting the high international level of robot development.

With the internationally offered "Walter Reis - Innovation Award for Robotics" Walter Reis aimed at promoting such fascinating new developments in the robot technology for 2012 again and to appreciate outstanding works and to award prizes to them.

Registration deadline for applications for this attractive innovation prize is February 01, 2012. The submitted applications will be assessed by an independent, competent jury formed by renowned personalities from research and industry. The prizewinners will be honored on a presentation ceremony during the Automatica in Munich in May 2012.

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reis Robotics GmbH & Co. KG is a leading supplier for  "Foundry plants and installations", "Engineering", "Service Training" and more. For further information click here: reis Robotics GmbH & Co. KG