At the 119th Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Georg Fischer Ltd held on 18 March 2015, the shareholders approved all proposals of the Board of Directors. Eveline Saupper was elected as new member of the Board.
A total of 1 027 shareholders and 1 882 146 shareholder votes were present at the event hall former iron foundry in Schaffhausen. This presence corresponds to 67.20% of the shareholder votes entered in the share register with voting rights.
In its consultative vote, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting approved the 2014 Compensation Report. The meeting also confirmed the distribution of a dividend amounting to CHF 17 per share.
The revisions of the Articles of Association regarding the reduction in the number of members of the Board of Directors as well as new legal requirements on remuneration of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee were approved.
Eveline Saupper new member of the Board
Isabelle Welton and Rudolf Huber, members of the Board since 2012 and 2006, have not been standing for re-election. The eight current members of the Board of Directors were reelected. Eveline Saupper, Of Counsel in the corporate law firm Homburger AG, Zurich, was also elected as a new member of the Board of Directors. Furthermore, Andreas Koopmann was confirmed as Chairman, and a new Compensation Committee was elected.
The shareholders approved both the maximum compensation of the Board members for the period from the 2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to the 2016 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting and for the Executive Committee for the business year 2016.
Source: +GF+