American Iron & Steel Industries reported that, in the week ending October 20th 2012, US domestic raw steel production was 1.722 million tons while the capability utilization rate was 69.7%. Production was 1.781 million tons in the week ending October 20th 2011, while the capability utilization then was 71.9%.
The current week production represents a 3.3% YoY decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending October 20th 2012 is down by 0.8% WoW from the previous week ending October 13th 2012 when production was 1.736 million tons and the rate of capability utilization was 70.3%.
Adjusted YTD production through October 13th 2012 was 77.703 million tons, at a capability utilization rate of 76.7%. That is a 4.1% YoY increase from the 74.655 million tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 74.5%.
Broken down by districts, here's production for the week ending October 13th 2012:
1. North East: 209
2. Great Lakes: 600
3. Midwest: 247
4. Southern: 596
5. Western: 84
(In thousands of net tons)
AISI's estimate is based on reports from companies representing about 75% of the US's raw steel capability and includes revisions for previous months.
Source - American Iron and Steel Institute