Foundry Corporate News IFEX/India-special

Visit Foseco at IFEX 2020

Foseco, the Foundry Division of the Vesuvius Group, will have a stand at IFEX 2020 in hall 2 & 3, stand E-29 where you can learn about their latest products, technologies and services.

Reading time: min

The company will also be presenting a technical paper during the show:

Bradken and Foseco are two leading global companies in their respective fields. In India, there has been a close association between these two organisations which is predominantly based on a mutually rewarding partnership and working together on value creation projects to improve foundry processes and the development of castings.

In early 2019, there was a joint meeting between the Bradken and Foseco Management Teams. During discussions about future global trends and casting quality requirements, the teams also discussed how Bradken and Foseco could further work together to meet new challenges. 

As an outcome of the initial consultations, a decision was made to work on the following two broad areas of foundry operations, mainly addressing environmental concerns and to be cost competitive:

•    Overall quality enhancement in the surface finish of castings
•    Reduction in coating cost while maintaining the existing quality standards

Feeding Systems:
•    Improvement of inventory management
•    Innovative packing methodology to avoid transit losses
•    Development of new products to address special needs

These joint projects were specifically introduced since Bradken Management highlighted that in-spite of the present market situation, they have challenging targets for improved production at the Bradken India site with an increased expectation to maintain high safety standards, deliver excellence in all operations, and a continual focus on cost optimisation.

Once these specific requirements were understood, there was a combined effort which lead to many new initiatives. These included new sleeve designs, new packaging methods and the INSTA concept in coating, which delivered significant benefits in the overall coating process, achieving all of the objectives outlined at the onset.

The objective of this paper is to highlight the outcome of the joint efforts of Foseco and Bradken and share the benefits of working together.
