
61st IFC in Portoroz 2021 - Something like the Freedom Day for the Foundry Industry

Almost 240 participants enjoy personal meeting and exchange among experts and friends

Lesedauer: min
Thomas Fritsch, Chief Editor

When Mirjam Jan-Blazic, President of the Slovenian Foundry Society and her colleagues from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor invite to Portoroz, the participants and delegates are always happy to come.  This time was no different, but the joy about one or the other regained freedom was clearly noticeable. Vaccinated, recovered or tested was also in Portoroz this time the measure of all things and nevertheless something like joy set in.

Finally, we could chat and celebrate with our colleagues again, follow many interesting lectures and convey the feeling that we are human beings who belong to an industry.

Man as a zoon politicon in the sense of Aristotle or Plato, a being oriented towards community and the formation of a community, that was certainly the overriding motto of this successful event.

For six decades the conference in Portoroz has been a traditional meeting place for foundry scientists and professionals - distinguished lecturers from universities and associations around the world, experts from foundries and supplier companies in the exhibition. This year they could welcome almost 240 guests from 17 countries, including a strong delegation of the World Foundry Organization, which held a Board Meeting in Portoroz. 2021 the motto was "Innovative Solutions for the Future of Foundry"

Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe, Secretary general, CAEF sets the direction

In his key-note speech, a representative of the younger generation, Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe, Secretary General of CAEF, was able to set the tone right at the beginning. His presentation "Weathering the Storm, but not in the safe harbor - Why the foundry industry is still cruising rough sea." The powerful presentation clearly showed the challenges and demands on the industry. In addition to a high degree of flexibility and the willingness to digitalize and accept the change processes, it is particularly important to support the companies.

In the following we show you the list of presentations, which are available by arrangement with the authors:

F.W. LOHE, T. VAN DE SAND: Weathering the Storm but not in the safe harbour – Why the Foundry Industry is still cruising rough sea

E. KOPPENSTEINER, M. BRAIT, G. SCHINDELBACHER, P. SCHUMACHER: Rapid prototyping using innovative methods to achive optimized castings within one week

A. KRIŽMAN, P. MRVAR, M. JAN-BLAŽIĆ: Knowledge and innovative solutions, the future od Slovenian, Foundry

D. LEHMUS, K. WEIß, C. PILLE, F. BUMBU, T. SCHWEGLER, J. LEE, J.YOO, P. LUTZE, R. VOMHOF: E-Mobility-Zero Leak Cooling Channel for the next Generation of HPDC Housing Components

M. CHISAMERA, E. STEFAN, I. RIPOSAN, S. STAN: New data on the graphite nucleation sites in commercial grey cast irons

I. VASKOVA, P. DELIMANOVA, M. HURBOVČAKOVA,, M. BARTOŠOVA: The State and perspectives of foundry in Slovakia

V. KRUTIŠ, V. KAŇA, A. ZÁDĚRA, L. TOMEK, J. SEDLÁČEK: Evaluation of ceramic core properties for investment casting technology

H. AVDUŠINOVIĆ, A. GIGOVIĆ-GEKIĆ: Effect of elevated temperature on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of austempered ductile iron

V. KOLDA: HPDC “smart” die – future of casting quality and die fatigue control 

P. MRVAR, D. MITROVIĆ , M. PETRIČ, S. KASTELIC, M. TERČELJ: Damage analyses of SGI during transportation of Aluminium alloy

C. BAITIANG, M. KRÜGER, S. PIESKER, B.H. WILLIAMSBOOCK, K. WEISS: Data-based process modelling using production data from an automatic sand moulding foundry

H. KERBER, A. JAHN, P. SCHUMACHER: Origine, appearance and prevention of plate type fractures in GJS-castings

M. BOJINOVIĆ, A. RESNIK, L. KRAJNC: Digitalisation of Temperature field in Foundries

J. ROUČKA, V. KAŇA, V. PERNICA, D. NYÉKYOVÁ, A. ZÁDĚRA: Evaluation of different inoculants effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of nodular castiron

M. BRAIT, E. KOPPENSTEINER, G. SCHINDELBACHER, P. SCHUMACHER: Prediction of graphite formation in ductile cast iron using artificial neural networks

H. BARTH, I. BACANU: Additive manufacturing designed for foundry needs 

L.HAŠKA, V.PAVLOVEC: Maintenance and service of induction coils used in induction melting furnaces

M. PETRIČ, S. KASTELIC, P. MRVAR: Inoculation and graphite nucleation mechanisms in spheroidal cast irons

U. KLANČNIK, J. HABJAN, A. MAHMUTOVIĆ, S. KASTELIC, P. MRVAR, M. DROBNE: Casting and solidification simulation of fan edger roll-a case study

B. KRIŽE, N. ROM, I. SURINA, M. KOMPREJ, J. VRANJKOVIČ, D. ŠVAJGER, A. ĆATIĆ: Production process of sgi castings from cupola furnace with cored wire technology

A. KNAPITSCH: High-Speed Core Pull Cylinders as last possibility to earn money for High Pressure Die Casting Companies?

A. C. YAŞAR, A. A. ESER, M. ACARER: Comparing of microstructure and mechanical properties of casted-forged and extruded-forged aluminum alloys

S.GIEBING: Application technology of ceramic foam filters and product characteristics: Current understanding and future opportunities

A. HARBORTH: Non-destructive examination of castings with the help of computed tomography (CT) using the BDG guideline P 203

M. MENCEJ: ZEISS Visioner – A microscope with an exceptional depth of

T.HOF, A. KLEIN: Opportunities for the modernization of moulding lines – state of art 

R. HAAG: High pressure technology in foundry industry, debburing and cleaning with high pressure

E. HUDRAP, B. KARPE, P. MAJERIČ, T. RAVLAN, B. KOSEC, R. RUDOLF: Thermal Properties of Tool Steels for Knives

L.SIMIĆ, R. RUDOLF, I. ANŽEL: Solidification microstructure in Ag20Pd20Pt20Cu20Ni20 complex concentrated alloy

M. MATEJKA, D. BOLIBRUCHOVÁ, A. SLÁDEK, R. PODPROCKÁ: Influence of batch composition on the porosity and microstructure of high-pressure die cast Al-Si-Cu alloys

In general, the event was a celebration for the international foundry industry. A signal of departure in difficult times, be it the pandemic or the rapidly changing world economy as well as the political and social circumstances

And a clear indication for face-to-face events and for the dialogue with partners and fellow foundrymen.


Here are a few short statements from participants during the atmospheric opening in Piran:

Ion Bacanu: I am very happy to be here representing the Romanian Foundry Association and HA, we have been coming back for over 20 years.

Dr Katarzyna Liszka: The main reason was the WFO General Assembly and the many friends here.

Iveta Vaskova; I love to meet people again, what a pleasure and there are so many members of other foundry associations here.

Peter Schumacher: We want to really get going and step on the gas!

Gerhard Schindelbacher: Meet colleagues and friends and then see you again in Leoben/Austria in April 2022!

Dr. Fynn-Willem Lohe: It's an absolutely great atmosphere in Portoroz and I like the technical background plus exhibition and networking opportunities are offered here.

Thomas Höhn: I meet old friends again, it's wonderful, I'd like to say the perfect setting.

Dr Konrad Weiss: We have always enjoyed coming to Portoroz for over 30 years. It's always worth it, here you can talk relaxed.

Andrew Turner: We traditionally like to meet the WFO members here.

Mark Fenyes: It’s great to be back in Portoroz catching up with friends within the industry.



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