Foundry Daily News Fairs and Congresses


Pressemitteilung | Lesedauer: min | Bildquelle: RGU

After a 4 year hiatus the Alucast India exhibition and conference is returning as a public in-person event.

RGU GmbH in co-operation with RGU Asia Pte Ltd as well as Foundry Resource Planning & Consulting Pvt Ltd will participate with a joint stand organised by its partner M/s MDS Engineering Pvt Ltd.

“DIGITAL is totally NORMAL” will be the motto!

In reality many non-ferrous foundries still have not achieved anything into “Industry / Foundry 4.0” levels. As such 2 papers will be presented during the 3 day conference held December 1-3 , 2022 at the Chennai Trade Centre – India.

One paper is dealing with “how to achieve Industry 4.0” levels without compromising data security and consistency while the 2nd paper will reflect on “knowing your Actual Base Cost (ABC)” in form of a Die-Casting 4.0 approach.

Here cost-transparency using integrated systems is in the foreground and 2 practical examples will showcase what it means to achieve the same. Come join us in Hall #2 Stand #142



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44263 Dortmund
Deutschland / Germany

Telefon: +49 (0) 231 41 997 0
