
Foundry on Wheels 2021

Bringing Automotive & Foundry Together 2021 EDITION

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CITNM would like to welcome you to attend to the 3rd edition of the Foundry on Wheels Congress.

The Congress aims to debate the alingnment of R&D strategis for automotive and foundry industries.

In the tradition of outstanding conferences in Portugal for the foundry industry since 2017, the Centro de Inovacao e Technologia N. Mahalingam is organising a Foundry on Wheels conference again this year.

For wel-known reasons, the programme will be offered online this year.

Please see the agenda and the key-note speakers, sponsors and media partners here:

The congress will be held on an online platform.
Participation at the event is free of charge, but registration is compulsory.

Follow this link: Foundry On Wheels 2021 | Inscription - 360digital and CITNM will keep you updated.



Center for Innovation and Technology N. Mahalingam

Rua António da Silva Brinco, 265
3750-122 Águeda

Telefon: +351 234 249 983
