
Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH

Hintern Hecken 3, 39179 Barleben, Germany


Company Profile

Company Presentation (eng. PP)
Firmenpräsentation (de. PP)

Laempe & Mössner Group is an international operating company for the field of project planning, construction, assembly and manufacturing of machines for the foundry industry.

Facts and Figures

Employees: approx. 300

Turnover: approx. € 55 m

Representations & Partners: more than 20 represantations worldwide

Installed Machinery: approx. 16.000


Product Range
Smart solutions for foundries - Our product portfolio

Product range - Core Shooters
We offer solutions - especially for different customer needs

Peripheral Equipment
Peripheral equipment - High level of flexibility for our customers


Products - Automation

  • Smart automation solutions with flexible handling, robotic and conveyor systems
  • simulation and optimization of process and material flow in 3D
  • Turnkey core package assembly
  • Production Data Collection (PDC)

Products - Cast cleaning

  • Highly flexible and automated fetting systems
  • High level of operational safety due to sound absorbing housing
  • Automated separation and transporting of swarf and flash
  • Automated tool changing

Products - Low pressure die casting

  • For the production of light metal cast parts in dies and in sand molds
  • The machines are characterised by high precision with mechanical movements and at the pressure control during the casting process
  • The versatile control protects a reproducibly high quality also for complex castings


Hintern Hecken 3
39179 Barleben

Telephone +49 (0) 39202 / 692-0

Press Releases & News

Milestone: Laempe hands over 3D printing line to BMW and starts rollout of its 3D sand printers

Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH (‘Laempe’), a leading global manufacturer and sol...

Meilenstein: Laempe übergibt 3D-Drucklinie an BMW und startet Rollout seiner 3D-Sanddrucker

Laempe Mössner Sinto GmbH („Laempe”), ist ein weltweit führender Herstelle...

Laempe Mössner Sinto: Successful Seminar in Barleben Highlights the Future of Core Manufacturing Technology

Attendees included representatives from companies across England, Scotland and N...
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