
Baumgarte Foundry in Bielefeld - The urgent demand for an industrial electricity price brake in Germany

This Wednesday, 24.05.2023, the Baumgarte foundry in Bielefeld Germany is holding a demonstration for the industrial electricity price brake. This is the very first time that trade unions (IG Metall), associations (BDG) and entrepreneurs are operating together.

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min | Bildquelle: Eisengießerei Baumgarte

The event is an urgent call to politicians for an industrial electricity price that is internationally competitive, so that Germany remains a strong industrial location. More than 1,000 participants will participate the event, among them Clemens Küpper, President of the BDG as well as Jürgen Kerner, Chief Treasurer and Executive Member of the Executive Board of IG Metall. " We have to make our voices heard together so that this campaign gets the greatest possible echo. Once again, this shows that this action is not a measure of interest representation, but is rather supported by the entire industry - managing directors, board members and employees ", stated Max Schumacher, BDG General Manager.

"Especially the current discussion about an industrial electricity price must be influenced in order to prevent a repetition of the problems with the Electricity Price Brake Law. Otherwise, the dynamic in the expansion of renewable energies and the transformation will be lost. Most of us have only one location - and nobody wants to relocate, neither in the interest of the companies, the employees, nor in the interest of the environment" - so the official statement of the Baumgarte foundry in Bielefeld.


Company Info

Eisengiesserei Baumgarte GmbH

Duisburger Str. 35
33647 Bielefeld

Telephone: +49 521 4044-0
