
Best Apprentice Award 2021 - Volkswagen Poznań presents the award for the best apprentice

- The Best Apprentice Awards are given to the best trainees in the individual plants of the Volkswagen Group

- This year's winner of the Volkswagen Poznań Prize was Michał Marciniak, a graduate of the foundry class of School Complex

No. 1 in Swarzędz.

- The start of the school year was attended by pupils from the first sponsorship classes, representatives of the district authorities and the management of Volkswagen Poznań.

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On the occasion of the grand opening of the school year for sponsored classes, Volkswagen Poznań presented the Best Apprentice Award 2021 to the best graduates of the past year. This year's award was given to Michał Marciniak, a graduate of the School Complex No. 1 in Swarzędz as a foundry machine and plant operator. The beginning of the school year was also a good opportunity to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Volkswagen plant in Poznań in Września and five years of cooperation between the company and the local complex of polytechnic schools.

The Best Apprentice Award is given to the best vocational training graduates from all Volkswagen Group plants - from many countries and continents. The award is given to the person with the best results, taking into account the final grade from practical lessons, school lessons, and exam results. This year the Volkswagen Poznań Prize was awarded to Michał Marciniak, who will be taught in the Volkswagen Poznań remedial class at the school complex No. 1 in Swarzędz from 2017-2020. Michał acquired skills and industrial experience in the field of foundry machines and systems, where he Learned molding, casting and processing processes.

His grade point average during his studies was 5.0 and he got good marks on his final exams: 86.5 points. The good results of Michał's studies had already been noticed, and so he took part in an international student exchange with the Volkswagen factory in Kassel, where he was able to deepen his knowledge in practice. After completing his studies last year, Michał Marciniak was hired by Volkswagen Poznań at the Września plant.

Due to the current restrictions in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, the start of the school year and the award ceremony for the best trainee 2021 took place online. During the inauguration, the pupils were able to give short speeches by Tomasz Łubiński, Deputy Governor of the Poznań District, Stefan Tomczak, Member of the Board of Management of Września District, Jolanta Musielak, Member of the Board of Management for Personnel and Organization at Volkswagen Poznań, Stefanie Hegels, Director of the Volkswagen Poznań Plant in Września, as well as hear an interesting lecture by consultant and safety trainer Michał Wnękowicz.

There was also the opportunity to see an interview with two graduates of the sponsorship courses, Wiktoria Czajka and Ludwik Piaskowski, who talked about the benefits of learning a profession in such courses. Wiktoria Czajka was last year's winner of the Best Apprentice Award 2020 and thus the first woman at Volkswagen Poznań to receive such an award. In addition, students from Poznań University of Technology presented their original design of the PUT Motorsport racing car.

The highlight of the ceremony was the award of the prize for the best trainee 2021 to the best graduate of the sponsorship course, Michał Marciniak. The handover was carried out by Jolanta Musielak, Member of the Board of Management for Personnel and Organization at Volkswagen Poznań, and Dr. Thomas Kreuzinger-Janik, Director of the Volkswagen Foundry in Poznań.
"I am very happy about the award and the award I have received. It is a great pleasure for me that I now have the opportunity to stand next to the top management of Volkswagen Poznań and to be happy about the award, which I received ", said Michał Marciniak when receiving the Best Apprentice Award 2021.

His teachers are also proud of Michał's achievements:
"I am very happy that Michał received this award, as he was a very committed and solid student from the start. In addition, this award has an additional meaning for me personally - for the first time in the history of our company it was awarded to a graduate of the profession of foundry machine and plant operator," says Adam Wrona, instructor for practical vocational training in the foundry class.

The Best Apprentice Award 2021 is presented globally to the best apprentices from all Volkswagen Group plants every year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, the gala will not take place in the traditional Fo either last year or this year rm instead of. Instead, local celebrations were organized, which in the case of Volkswagen Poznań were combined with the opening of the school year for the first graders of the Volkswagen Poznań sponsored classes.

Nevertheless, the Chairman of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Group, Herbert Diess, HR Director Gunnar Kilian and the Chairman of the World Works Council, Bernd Osterloh, will invite the best graduates to an online meeting in December and congratulate them personally.

The school year opening ceremony was also a good opportunity to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the founding of the Volkswagen Poznań Plant in Września and, at the same time, five years of cooperation between the company and the Polytechnic School Complex in Września, where the Volkswagen Poznań remedial class also operates is that prepares young people for work in a modern automobile plant.
"Five years of operation at the Volkswagen plant in Poznań in Września are an example of five years of success.

We are the only plant in the world where the Crafter model is manufactured in all of its versions: from the chassis and body to the luxury Grand California motorhome. This one However, we would not have achieved success without the commitment of our specialists, many of whom have graduated from our remedial courses, "says Stefanie Hegels, head of the Września plant. "The five years of our work are also five years of close collaboration with the Polytechnic School Complex in Września, a collaboration from which everyone benefits: the school, the pupils and our factory."

Currently, all classes are taught in two schools under the auspices of Volkswagen Poznań: 132 pupils are taught in School Complex No. 1 in Swarzędz and in the Polytechnic School Complex in Września. Today's festive opening of the school year is aimed at the "first graders", 38 of whom have started their training in four professions: automation technician (with elements of mechatronics), automotive electromechanic, foundry machine and system operator and precision mechanic.

Source: Volkswagen Pozan

