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Coil repair with price & deadline guarantee thanks to ABP Complete Customer Care

Make use of ABP Induction's full service program – with scheduling, collection, repair and delivery as a package

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To ensure that a system is quickly available again, that it offers the best possible operational reliability for the user and guarantees efficient operation of the system, ABP Induction is expanding its Complete Customer Care service package to include coil repair in metal processing companies. The Dortmund-based furnace specialist has developed an all-round package that enables the best possible planning and implementation of coil repair: The full service program includes scheduling, collection, repair and delivery in a single package.

"Time is money – now more than ever. Our customers know that just as well as we do," explains Markus Fournell, VP Global Service & Digital Products at ABP Induction. "This is why we not only ensure the highest possible system availability with our new digital solutions, but we also want users to be able to restart the machines quickly in the event of repairs. Our new full service program for coil repair is designed for that exact purpose".

The experts at ABP Induction plan the downtime, collect the coil, repair it and deliver it directly back to the user. "We offer this at a fixed price and with deadline guarantee. And if we do happen to fall behind schedule, that shouldn't be to the detriment of the customer: Per day of delivery delay – measured against the repair time agreed in advance – we will reimburse 1 percent of the agreed repair price of the coil up to a maximum of 5 percent per order," Markus Fournell explains the strategy.

Depending on their condition, the coils pass through various steps as part of a repair order. These include, for instance, cleaning incl. stripping of the coil plaster and the intermediate layers. The ABP experts carry out various measures, such as stress-free annealing, sandblasting, straightening and reworking of the soldered joints or repair of defective areas using the proven ABP three-ring soldering technique. Subsequently, the process continues with multiple insulation coating, application of the inter-winding insulation in the wet insertion process and sheathing with Isoplan and silicate fabric. "At ABP, the repair services that we offer are of the highest quality and can be completed quickly. All servicing work is documented with a test protocol, which includes a flow and pressure test as well as an insulation test. Modernization allows used coils to be brought up to the latest state of the art", says Markus Fournell.

And, ABP's service goes even further – even after the hose has been replaced: ABP Induction also offers repair, upgrade and overhaul services for systems from other manufacturers, giving users the opportunity to benefit from the company's innovative approach and technical know-how when it comes to digitizing service: "Find out more about our digital services to achieve even better system availability thanks to predictive maintenance and even faster service via "Digital Expert on Demand" (dEoD)," is what Markus Fournell recommends. "The core tool here is Augmented Reality: It makes it possible for our ABP experts to see what the customer sees. He uses AR glasses, a tablet or simply a smartphone."

How exactly does ABP provide assistance digitally?
"We are involved, for example, in the visual inspection of the crucible for washouts and cracks – and we see everything through the eyes of the customer," says Markus Fournell. ABP experts help with commissioning: Testing the emergency stop circuit with all confirmation switches can be performed digitally as can checking the earth fault measurements. If the system outputs a service request during restart, the ABP technician then helps to identify the correct spare part. With the virtual technology, the ABP expert can go through various settings on the system with the customer to rule out any operating errors. "He can support employees in performing simple operations that may then already resolve the problem. And: the ABP service is available at incredible speed, as long waiting times for a service appointment or technician availability are no longer an issue", explains Markus Fournell.  

Contact is established very quickly: "Customers simply contact our technical hotline +49 231 / 997-1111 or send an e-mail to, so that an appointment can be arranged at short notice," explains Markus Fournell.

Company Info

ABP Induction Systems GmbH

Kanalstraße 25
DE 44147 Dortmund

Telephone: +49 (0231) 997-0
