One of the biggest foundries of Izmir and also Turkey, Atik metal foundry has started to make investment a few years ago and they ordered 2 sets of 450 kW-5 MW +2x8 tons Melt & Hold systems from EGES and the complete system is in operation.
The system consist of 2 sets of 5MW Melting + 500 Kw Holding power units and 4 pieces of 8 ton capacity furnaces. The system incorporates Steel frame body, furnace Exhaust covers with the Dust filter system, Back tilting and Loadcell system and Push out for lining accessories. It provides evaluation of Metal analysing and Chemical composition. All these data is monitored by EGES PROMELT (SCADA) System.
The capacity of furnaces of ATIK METAL company is 20 tons per hour and for the future it is possible to increase the capacity up to 30 tons per hour by extention of a third system.
Eges's application Melt&Hold has become one of the most favorable systems in the prominent users' companies during last 15 years.
EGES ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK GERECLER SAN VE TIC. A.S. is a leading supplier for "Induction Melting System", "Induction Holding System", "Induction Heating for Pipe" and more. For further information and contact details click here: EGES ELEKTRIK VE ELEKTRONIK GERECLER SAN VE TIC. A.S. |