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European DieCasting Award 2022 Part II

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New award for European die castings: For the first time, the German Die Casting Association (Verband Deutscher Druckgießereien e.V. - VDD) and the trade fair EUROGUSS organized the European Die Casting Competition. The competition is also supported by the Federal Association of the German Foundry Industry e.V. (Bundesverband der Deutschen Gießerei-Industrie e.V. - BDG), the General Association of the Aluminum Industry (Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e.V. - GDA) and the European Magnesium Research Association e.V. (Europäischen Forschungsgemeinschaft Magnesium e.V. - EFM). This competition is intended to demonstrate to the public and customers in particular the diversity of applications, the innovative strength, the high level of quality and the performance of the die-casting process in the materials aluminium, magnesium and zinc.

The competition entries will be assessed individually in the materials and evaluated in terms of innovation, quality, cost-effectiveness, resource-efficient design and level of difficulty. Subsequently, the three best parts for each material will be awarded.

Around 30 die castings were submitted by the end of September 2021 and in mid-January 2022 the winners were honoured in an entertaining and interesting online presentation by Martin Vogt (BDG) and Chris Boss (EUROGUSS).

The most innovative and technically outstanding die-cast products made of the materials aluminium, magnesium and zinc were awarded.

Now the winners have been announced:
See the exhibit and the award winners in the individual categories here

Winner Category Zinc Die Casting
1st prize: Assembly consisting of three die-cast parts / housing-lid-front, Dipl. Siegfried Müller GmbH & Co. KG
2nd prize: Gearshift handle, automotive interior, HDO Druckguss- u. Oberflächentechnik GmbH
3rd prize: Clamping plate, Teilemacherei GmbH

Winners Category Magnesium Die Casting
1st prize: Cross Car Beam HUD / Instrument Cross Beam / Legal Support, GF Casting Solutions Schaffhausen
2nd prize: TKS 80 table top, TORUN Bark Magnesium GmbH
3rd prize: Cone Holder EE0043-30-2020, Dynacast Deutschland GmbH

Winner Category Aluminium Die Casting
1st prize: One-piece upper shell of a rear axle beam made of die-cast aluminium, Albert Handtmann Metallgusswerk GmbH & Co. KG
2nd prize: System Carrier, Alupress AG Brixen
2nd prize: SP52 lower housing, BMW AG Landshut plant
3rd prize: Housing 3498 & 3D-printed sample, Matthies Druckguss GmbH & Co. KG

*See here the 2nd and 3rd prize winners in their category and their castings. For the 1st prize Winners please click here

The next EUROGUSS will be held in Nuremberg from 8 to 10 June 2022.

For all details please go to:

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