Before the corona shutdown, we visited the on-site research and development center for foundries, located near the Technical University of Enschede in the Netherlands, which has been researching and working for the international foundry industry for about 5 years. There, we met Dr. Fabian Sander, Global R&D Head at the Vesuvius Foundry Division, who enthusiastically showed us the facilites, including ultra-modern laboratories and test foundry, all fitted with the latest technology and equipment from well-known suppliers.
The R&D center in Enschede naturally works closely with the production facilities of Vesuvius GmbH in Borken, and can therefore offer customers the cutting-edge technology that foundries need. As Dr. Sander emphasized, the goal is to achieve the best solutions.
On the one hand, it is about concrete research projects according to customer requirements. On the other, is coming up with solutions before the problem arises - in anticipation of customer needs. This is a result of close cooperation.
Modernly designed work environments and flat structures form the ideal framework for a relaxed, yet dense research atmosphere, with highly motivated employees and high-tech facilities focusing on melt treatment, feeder and filtration technology, binders and coatings.
It can be expected that the global corona pandemic will intensify competition and lead to changes and even higher demands, and cast buyers could rethink their supply chains. Curse and blessing, it is essential to be ahead in research and development.