
Freiberg-based ACTech GmbH invests 23 million euros in more production capacity

Specialist for prototype castings buys new site and plans to expand workforce by 150 expand

Pressemitteilung | Reading time: min

ACTech GmbH, headquartered in Freiberg, Germany, is investing more than more than 23 million euros in the expansion of its production capacities. The investment also includes the acquisition and expansion of a commercial property. The purchase of an property in the Freiberg Ost industrial estate (Freiberg-Hilbersdorf) was concluded on Tuesday, 26 July 2022. ACTech GmbH, which currently employs 380 people, intends to increase its workforce by 150 employees in the medium term. To this end, the company's training programme of the company will be intensified.

"The global developments in the mobility and energy sectors, which have been particularly noticeable in the past two years, have prompted ACTech to expand its business. particularly noticeable in the past two years, have prompted ACTech to expand its business, with which the company is to grow sustainably," explains Managing Director Cornelia Bahr: "The prototype and small-series castings for car engines and transmissions will remain the main business segment, but will be expanded to include similar services for other types of mobility for other types of mobility, such as local public transport on roads and railways, transport by truck and commercial vehicles or shipping," continues Bahr. In order to achieve this in the same quality and speed and speed, the investment was made.

"All transport vehicles from cars to trucks, tractors, boats and mining machines need to drastically reduce their emissions to stop global warming. ACTech's 3D printing-based production process enables the manufacture of intricate components that are essential for new sustainable propulsion systems," says Fried Vancraen, CEO of parent company Materialise parent company. "This investment is first and foremost an investment in the team at ACTech team, which has developed a unique expertise to support the global shift to sustainable drive systems. We are committed to continuous collaboration with local educational institutions and government agencies to accelerate the learning process and build the team and its manufacturing capabilities. ACTech can make a significant contribution to important developments needed for a better and healthier world," Vancraen continues. more.

Investment in the Freiberg East industrial estate
The first step has been successfully taken with the acquisition of an existing property in the Freiberg East in the Hilbersdorf district. This comprises a usable floor space of around 10,000 square metres in two production halls and an office building. resource-saving solution because it has clear advantages over a new building in view of the current situation in the construction industry," says Managing Director Ray Wünsche. Because the commercial use until spring 2022, the property is in a good structural condition. good structural condition. Therefore, despite the necessary conversions, according to current planning, the production at the new location as early as the beginning of 2023. The first stage of the expanded stage of the expanded production capacity will be reached.

In the short term, 100 employees are to work at the second location, and in the medium term up to 200. The production of unfinished parts - the development and completion of moulds and the subsequent casting - will remain at the Freiberg headquarters of ACTech GmbH on Halsbrücker Straße. The mechanical processing area, tactile measurement technology and shipping are to move completely to the new location in Freiberg-Ost. "This distribution provides us with sufficient space to expand production capacity in all relevant areas and at the same time improves working conditions at the previous location as well," says Managing Director Norbert Demarczyk: "It creates the conditions for a growth course in the coming decades." The works council of ACTech is also convinced of this: "We welcome the decision to invest in and expand the Freiberg site. This will help to secure existing jobs, create new ones and constantly improve working conditions," the committee says.

René Straßberger, Mayor of the municipality of Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf and Chairman of the of the Freiberg East commercial and industrial estate, is delighted with the investment project. investment project: "The investment by ACTech as an established company from central Saxony and its confidence in our region are to be welcomed in every respect. ACTech GmbH, with its innovative innovative service portfolio and finds opportunities at our location for further for a sustainable further development. I am pleased that we have been able to find a new use for the empty for the vacant property in our Freiberg East industrial estate in such a short time and I wish the and wish the ACTech company maximum success".

Sven Krüger, Mayor of the City of Freiberg, also welcomes the ACTech course: "I am very pleased that the company has decided on a second location in the Freiberg East industrial estate. I am even more pleased that this will allow Freiberg-based ACTech GmbH to continue to grow and invest in the region," he says: "Commercial space is more in demand than ever in the Silver City and the surrounding area. A well-equipped existing property like this one, which is quickly ready for ready for occupancy, is worth its weight in gold compared to a new building in view of the current building in the construction industry. I am excited about the new ACTech location," Krüger continues. 



