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GARANT-Filter GmbH, Lahr successful at Environmental Technology Award 2013

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The company GARANT-Filter GmbH has successfully participated in the Environmental Technology Award 2013 with its product the GARANT flat bag filter. GARANT won second prize in the category “Emission reduction, preparation and separation”. The awards ceremony took place in Stuttgart on July 11th.

About the award:

The ministry of environment, climate and energy industry has been handing out the award since 2009. The prize is given to companies with extraordinary and very innovative products within environmental technology every two years.

Prize money is 100.000 Euro and is divided between four categories (“Energy efficiency”, “Material efficiency”, “Techniques for emission reduction, preparation and separation” and “Measurement and control technology”) and a special prize by the jury.

Every company which has its headquarter or a facility in Baden-Württemberg can participate in the competition. Products which contribute to more resource efficiency and environmental protection and which are about to enter the market or are no longer than two years on the market can be awarded.

This year’s award ceremony took place in “Wagenhallen” in Stuttgart on July 11th 2013. Awards were given out by environment minister Franz Untersteller.

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