Foundry Corporate News Topic Moulding

Great success of IMF Group in Poland

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A complete new foundry “Odlewnia Białystok S.A.” has been successfully set up in Bialystok, in the North of Poland.

IMF Group, with headquarters in Italy, is happy to be the selected supplier for the installation of this modern “No bake” fully automatic moulding line.  

The new foundry has been designed to mainly produce mandrels and parts for machine tools and is now the most modern and advanced foundry in Poland and one of the best in Europe. 

The moulding line specifically designed and supplied by IMF can produce 15 moulds per hour (1000x1000x500/500 mm) in a modern moulding fast loop, followed by automatic painting manipulator and automatic mould closing station. Also the moulds handling in the pouring area and in the shake out area is made in automatic way by means of roll conveyers and moulds pushers. 

The moulding line is connected to a dedicated PC with customized software for storage of all production data including machines setting, production receipts, pattern and jobs management system.  

Also an IMF-Foundry Automation core shooter machine with dedicated scrubber has been installed for the production of specific sand cores made with amine gassing technology (cold box).

After the shake out the used sand is automatically processed through a reclamation tower where the sand grains are scrubbed, screened and cooled in a  very efficient way to reduce and control the LOI value.

Thanks to IMF automatic moulding line, “Odlewnia Białystok S.A.” can be competitive in the global market. The manpower costs have been drastically reduced, no more than 7-8 workers are required to run the mechanized moulding line, the possible human errors are drastically reduced and the quality and the consistency of the final castings has been increased at a very competitive price.
