Foundry Corporate News Topic Pressure Die Casting Euroguss

IDRA Srl - Renault invests in its Agentianian Aluminum Foundry and chooses Idra for its New Die Castin Machines.

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RENAULT ARGENTINA invested 50.000.000 pesos to increase its production capacity of aluminum die casting parts with innovative technology in its Cordoba Aluminum foundry plant.

IDRA has been selected among all producers of High Pressure Die Casting Machines: two Idra 2.200 ton full automated cells, have been shipped and installed in the 4° quarter of 2012, and are making parts at continue cycle (three shifts).

“They are the largest die casting machines in Argentina” explain Ing. Ferrario, General Manager of IDRA GROUP, “ and this important order is one of the best achievement of 2012, an excellent year for Idra. All industrial and financial / economic indexes positively grew: workforce, revenues and net result.”

RENAULT ARGENTINA , thanks to Idra new IDRA die casting machines, will increase its production volume of 4.113 ton / year. Transmission cases and gear boxes that will be mainly exported to Chile, where Renault has its transmission plants that makes transmissions for central and South America needs, and will hire 134 new employers.

“another time a very important automaker that wants to invest in innovative technology chooses IDRA as its supplier, and we are more than proud for that !”

Company Info

IDRA s.r.l.

Via dei Metalli, 2
25039 Travagliato (Brescia)

Telephone: +39-030-2011.1
