Idra Group is proud to announce the signature of another contract for a OL 5500 CS ton Giga Press and one OL 4200 CS ton.
“We signed this new contract at GIFA ’19. The customer is an important Chinese Group, who was impressed about our Giga Press 5500 and its technical content” said Riccardo Ferrario, Idra Group General Manager.
Idra group received the first order for a Giga press back in May 2019, which was the first order ever issued worldwide, from a North American auto manufacturer. This second contract confirms the good strategic decision made by the Group. “Our Giga press” models have opened a new frontier for product development engineers, enhancing the limit of part weight and dimension to unbelievable values. This new degree of freedom for casting and die design makes now feasible multiple cavity dies and combination of more single parts in one single shot.
The First Giga press will be assembled and ready for pre-acceptance at Idra Italy plant within February 2020.