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Kunkel-Wagner Invests Heavily / VDG Lecture Evening and Barbara Celebration in Alfeld

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The Künkel-Wagner Process Technology GmbH is a major supplier to the foundry industry in the sector of molding machines for green sand, sand regeneration, pouring technology and mold material preparation with production sites in Germany, Switzerland, India and China.

On the 20th of November 2012,  CEO Andreas Albrecht invited the VDG Niedersachsen Nord committee represented by Wolfgang Ernst, as well as other business partners to Alfeld for the VDG lecture evening followed by a Barbara celebration consisting of 20 participants

A factory tour and two informative lectures by two Künkel Wagner employees, M.Eng. Bennet Luck and Dipl.-Ing Frank Iburg about the topic "Green Sand Casting" and "Core Packages in a New Composure" contributed to the beneficial event.

Alfeld, 45 km south of Hannover, is the major production base of the KW group as well as the technology and competence center.

Guests were introduced to the newly acquired and equipped 3,500 m² production hall with a new machining treatment center/ big-boring machines of Bimatec Soraluce, which was an investment of around € 1.4 million. The beginning of  the company's operation is planned for the 1st quarter of 2013, along with two other planned big-boring machines.

A new headquarters is also planned to be built at the end of 2013 at the site of the new building near the current headquarters.

The turnover this year is estimated to increase to € 75 million with 400 employees worldwide, 320 of them in Alfeld. In addition to the large investment,  there will be an intense emphasis on internal training.

Christoph von Platen / Foundry Planet

Company Info


Hannoversche Straße 59
31061 Alfeld/Leine

Telephone: +49 5181.78-0
