Linn High Therm, leading manufacturer of industrial and lab furnaces since 1969, presents:
Fast laboratory furnaces VMK (up to 1800 °C), VMK-S/Vac (up to 1200 °C) for brazing, annealing, ashing, tempering, sintering, reducing, pyrolysis etc.
Stainless steel housing for corrosive environment, easy operation, fast heating- and cooling cycles are special features of these series. Fiber insulation is used for lab- and high temperature furnaces (VMK); a heat resistant gas-tight muffle insert (1.4841/Inconel) and a water cooled door flange enable protective gas- and or vacuum operation (VMK-Vac) in case of protective gas/vacuum furnaces (VMK-S).
Linn standard laboratory furnaces are available in sizes 1 – 25 l, 0,6 – 5,0 kW.
A wide range of options offers many customer specific solutions, e.g. vacuum operation 10-5 mbar with 1100 °C in case of the illustrated special version.
Furthermore possible: after burning, gas feeding, burning-off device and flame supervision, safety package for H2-operation, gas ventilation, fast cooling, gas re-cooling, cooling trap in gas outlet.
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###COMPANY_LINK### <link record:tx_browserdirectory_directory:112 internal-link>Linn High Therm GmbH